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Thursday, November 7, 2013

Reflection on other blogs

There seems to be mixed views on the idea of whether to love or not to love. But for all the bloggers who said not to fall in love the same point is brought up that everyone is in fear of getting emotionally hurt. And for others who said falling in love is good the point of life long companionship and happiness is the point brought up. After reading through the other blogs I realized I never mentioned about falling in love to quickly and the consequences of that. But the blogs on why falling in love is good opened my mind up more on the overall change in happiness in the rest of your life. I still believe that falling in love does do more harm to a person emotionally to a person from break ups and let downs. 

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

To love or not to love

Love is something some people look forward to in life. It makes a person happy and maybe makes them enjoy their life more than they did before they found love. But love also has a downside. In my mind you should attempt to avoid falling in love unless you are more than one hundred percent sure you and your partner feel the same about each other and will always feel the same way about each other no matter the circumstances. What love has come to now a days is the thought of being in love at first but after years of marriage and stress and added stress from children the love you both had at one point fades away and you become more of friends than lovers. The emotional stress of love is also not worth the price to pay. You feel you are deeply in love with a person but worst comes to worst and you find out that person doesn't feel one bit the same about you. Love is not what it is said to be and for what it seems like it always comes to a bad ending with one person being hurt more than the other.